An Emergency Fund works like a dream when you have enough money saved. But what happens if the emergency is bigger than your savings? No matter what crisis you’re going through, do not panic because you can be prepared for it.


Here are 5 steps to take if your emergency is bigger than your emergency fund : 

Step 1 : Pay only minimum payments on debt

In emergencies like job loss, switch to minimum debt payments and focus on essentials. Resume debt repayment when things stabilize.

Step 2 : Call and negotiate

If you can’t pay a hospital bill, contact the billing department for discounts, financial aid, or a payment plan.

Step 3 : Shop Around

When your car breaks down, shop around for mechanics and deals. If repairs are too expensive, ask for a basic fix to get you safely back on the road.

Step 4 : Make extra money. FAST !

Sell unused items on resale sites and consider side hustles for quick money.

Step 5 : Build up your emergency fund again

After an emergency, rebuild your fund quickly. Future crises will come, and a strong emergency fund will be crucial.

Picture of Desiree Tan

Desiree Tan

Desiree is passionate about personal finance and the FIRE movement, beginning her journey a few years ago with a strong thirst for knowledge. Through dedicated research and commitment, she is navigating her path towards financial independence. With a Bachelor of Arts in Web Media and Graphic Communication, Desiree has years of experience as a content creator. Now, she channels her enthusiasm into crafting inspiring and educational content to empower others on their financial journeys.

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