Tricks Grocers Use To Get You To Spend More

One Saturday afternoon, I headed to the local grocery store with a firm shopping list and a determination to stick to it. However, I soon realized that sticking to my list was not as easy as I thought. I began to wonder why I often ended up making impulse purchases, and discovered that it’s not just a lack of willpower but clever strategies used by the store.

Curious to learn more, I explored these grocery store tactics and how to resist them. Here are some key insights I found. Let’s dive in!


These are some common grocery store tricks which you can avoid to help you save money !

  • Essential Items at the Back: Grocery stores place essentials like milk and eggs at the back to encourage impulse buys. To avoid this, consider buying essentials from drugstores, where they’re often cheaper.

  • Misted Vegetables: Stores use misting devices to make vegetables look fresher, but this can reduce quality and lead to bacterial issues. Opt for frozen vegetables if you’re not using them immediately.

  • Refrigerated Drink Placement: The refrigerated drink case is placed near the checkout to encourage purchases. Compare prices with those in the beverage aisle, as bulk packs are often cheaper.

  • Enticing Smells: Bakeries near the store entrance use enticing smells to lure customers. To avoid giving in to cravings, chew gum or suck on candy to dull the sensory impact.

  • Pricy Items at Eye Level: Expensive products are placed at eye level because shoppers are more likely to buy them. Check lower shelves for cheaper alternatives, often found in private label brands.

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