Have you ever thought about making money from your hobby? Many of us want to spend more time doing what we love, and if it can bring in some income, even better! I found myself in the same situation, wondering how I could earn extra money on the side and maybe even break free from the 9 to 5. After doing some research, I came across a range of interesting possibilities. I thought I’d share my findings with anyone else who’s on the same journey!

So, here are some hobbies that can help you make money !


  1. Get Paid to Lose Weight (Healthy Wage): Bet on your weight loss goals and win cash if you succeed. Great for motivation!

  2. Grocery Shopping (Instacart): Earn money shopping for and delivering groceries. Flexible hours, but you need a driver’s license and vehicle.

  3. User Generated Content (UGC): Create simple content for brands like product photos or videos. No need to be an influencer—just a good phone and creativity. Build a portfolio and reach out to brands.

  4. Sell Photography (SmugMug): Upload and sell your photos online. Tips: Offer different orientations, focus on local spots, and create collections.

Picture of Desiree Tan

Desiree Tan

Desiree is passionate about personal finance and the FIRE movement, beginning her journey a few years ago with a strong thirst for knowledge. Through dedicated research and commitment, she is navigating her path towards financial independence. With a Bachelor of Arts in Web Media and Graphic Communication, Desiree has years of experience as a content creator. Now, she channels her enthusiasm into crafting inspiring and educational content to empower others on their financial journeys.

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