Self-Employed Insurance Options

Imagine waving goodbye to those traditional cubicles and 9-5 routines! Being your own boss is incredible, especially with 15 million self-employed professionals in the American workforce. However, life and business can throw unexpected challenges your way, and that’s where insurance becomes essential. As a self-employed individual, it’s crucial to protect yourself, your family, and your business.


Self-Employed Health Insurance

  • Get a tax deduction on health insurance premiums.
  • Consider a high-deductible health plan (HDHP) with a health savings account (HSA) for tax-free medical savings.

Term Life Insurance

  • Provides coverage for a set period; more affordable than whole life insurance.
  • Aim for coverage 10–12 times your annual income to protect your family financially.

Long-Term Disability Insurance

  • Essential for coverage after short-term disability ends.
  • Opt for “own-occ” coverage to protect your income if you can’t perform your trained job.

Employer Business Insurance

  • Key types include General Liability, Professional Liability, Business Owner Policy (BOP), and Workers Compensation.

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